
Quitters Day is real

So is self improvement

By Angela Kuonqui January 5, 2025

Did you know the 2nd Friday in January is called Quitters Day? This is because so many people start off the New Year with so much hope and promise with a long list of impossible resolutions but just two weeks in the shine has worn off and the disillusion sets in. 

My advice? 

Be realistic in your resolutions. Start off small and don't be so specific. I've heard people say "I'm going to get up 2 hours earlier and go to the gym and get a workout in before work." Then 2 days in and you've had a hard day at work and it gets too hard and people give up. 

Why not cut yourself some slack? You deserve it. How about something like- I'm gonna try and be healthier and walk my neighborhood once a week. Or I'm gonna park farther back from the entrance 2 days a week so I can get more steps in. Or maybe I'll take the stairs instead of the elevator twice a week. Small and attainable goals. Not high pressure ones. 

Another way to take the pressure off is you don't have to tell anyone your resolutions or better yet don't call them resolutions. They're more like little wins that you're going to try to achieve. 

What ever you want to do to self improve is a win simply by making the first decision in understanding no one is perfect but we can all be better in some way. So deciding to improve yourself is the first win. 

What will be your next one?